Update: Wonderful News and Apologies

Update: Wonderful News and Apologies!
Taking A Step Forward in Life and Heaving Myself Out from the Hole

Hello, dear hidden wallflowers! This is me, your writer/translator/aspiring-everything. I apologize once more for not updating the previous week. I caught a deadly cold and spent the whole week cuddling with my pink-hippo doll in my bed, watching TV. I still have that cold, but it's not as worse as it was before..thankfully! 

Now, some of you may know that for the past few years, I've been stuck in a rut. I felt like I was in a hole, unable to get out. I had severe depression, I never smiled, I was extremely lonely, and I was everything I didn't want to be. To be honest, I still am. I spend many hours a day blankly staring at the walls, unsure of what I'm doing or what I'm supposed to be doing. I still often find myself feeling lonely, too. It's still bad, but it's better. I'm taking little steps at a time, which is looking good so far.

So here's my update in life. The novel which I'm planning to publish as an Ebook, is going under construction (it's at its 2nd editing phase). After more than a year of crying, laughing, and hurting, I'm glad to say that I'm almost done. It was difficult writing a novel of more than 90,000 words, but it's the best thing I've EVER done in my life. I'm working with my editor now, and I think everything is going wonderfully! Anyone interested in knowing more!? I can give you a sneak-peek of the summary if you'd like! It's very intriguing! 

Now, the second update is...Teen Ink magazine is publishing one of my poems in its new issue! I'm so excited as I never got to publish anything -- except online, of course. The poem is called "Fruit Basket", so if any of you readers are subscribed to Teen Ink, keep an eye for my poem! 

Thank you to everyone who's reading this. I'm sure it's not a lot, but I'm still happy. Even one reader means the world to me. It's nice having someone care about what's going on in your life (other than my loving family). 


Hidden Wallflower (Unice)